Hinduism - History of Religions

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Tuesday, December 8, 2015



Hinduism is among the oldest religions of the world. It has more than 900 million followers, with around 80 percent of the Indian population claiming to be Hindu. Hinduism does not follow a single doctrine or teacher, but recognizes one God and eternal soul called Brahman. The different types of Hinduism recognize different deities.]

History of Hinduism
The word Hindu comes from the Sanskrit word "Sindhu," a historical name for a river in the northwest of India. Hinduism originated in the Indus Valley near modern day Pakistan. It is currently the world's third largest religion, after Christianity and Islam, and boasts of over one billion followers.
Hinduism is unique from other religions, in that there is no one founder, no one scripture, and no strictly agreed-upon set of instructions and rules. Hinduism is sometimes regarded more as a way of life or as a group of combined beliefs rather than a religion in the rigid sense.
Scholars agree that many elements of Hinduism's early history is unclear, due to the fact that many of the oldest documents have yet to be decoded. Assumptions about the origins have been based on archeological finds from a dig in 1921 along the Indus River. Many believed that the community of the Indus Valley began to decline around 1800 BC, when the Aryans invaded India and Iran. The influence of the Aryan Sanskrit and Vedic religion both played foundational roles in Hinduism. However, in recent years this theory has proven unlikely, and the facts about Hinduism's origin remain enshrouded in mystery.
Though many dates are contested, the most widely accepted belief about Hinduism's origins, categorizes the history into a different period of development, beginning with the Bronze Age in the Indus Valley civilization and what was known as a "Vedic Religion." This gathering era was the foundational time for Hinduism which carried on through the Iron Age or the Vedic Period between 1800-1500 BC. Thereafter, during 800-200 BC, Hinduism became distinguished from the Vedic religion of the time, in an era known as the Second Urbanization. The religion solidified around the same time as Jainism and Buddhism were established, both of which influenced Hinduism through the adoption of meditative practices and self-help ideals in connection to the universe. This establishment period was followed by what is referred to as "The Golden Age" or the Epic and Puranic Period of Hinduism, from 200 BC to 500 AD. This was a time when the main branches of Hinduism were instituted: Samkhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Mimamsa, and Vedenta. The religion expanded through increased trade routes, from India into Southeast Asia. Through this expansion, Hinduism was impacted by this convergence of cultures, language, religious texts and literature.
The Golden Age was followed by the Classic Period or Medieval and Late Puranic Period of Hinduism, which occurred during the Middle Ages from about 600 AD to 1500 AD. During this era, partial incorporation of Buddhist teachings caused Hinduism to take on a more idealistic than realistic philosophy dealing with questions about the natural world and existence. A number of movements created distinctions and preferred methods of practicing Hinduism among the followers. The Bhakti movement inspired followers to serve and worship the gods Vishnu, Shakti and Shiva; the Brahmin and Smriti traditions were influenced by philosophies from Buddhism, Jainism, Charvaka beliefs. Puranic Hinduism became the mainstream faith which resulted from these beliefs.
In the midst of the Medieval Period, the 8th century brought Islam through India, infiltrating the religion amongst the native Indians. This era is often referred to as The Muslim Period, which saw the establishment of the Mughal Empire. Over the centuries, the Hindus and Muslims have experienced varied times of peace and conflict, though during the Mughal Empire, Hinduism was under particular strain since the state religion was Islam. The empire was brought to an end only on the arrival of the Great Britain. The British Colonization era followed the Muslim Period, beginning in 1757when the Battle of Plassey brought India under British rule.
Aside from exterior reforms during the Muslim Period and the British rule, several notable reforms occurred within the Hindu religion. One such reform was the Brahmo Samaj movement in 1828. The reformer Ram Mohan Roy traveled to Europe and adopted the belief that superstition and Hindu rituals were not based on the doctrinal writings of the Upanishads, which emphasize the universal spirit and permeating force of the world, Brahman. He believed the actual essence of Hinduism extended beyond the caste systems, practices and worship, and was more about the concepts and rationale of the Upanishads.
Other reformers responded to this preference to Upanishads by claiming that the Vedas (also a sacred text of Hinduism) foundational to Hinduism, and would not let the religious practices and rituals be disregarded. In 1875, the Arya Samaj movement led by Swami Dayananda in Bombay, guided Hindus away from practicing rituals such as idol praise, child marriages, caste systems, animal sacrifices, etc.
The Neo-Vedanta movement was also developed by Swami Vivekananda in the late 19th century, whose teachings influenced men like Mahatma Ghandi, a sage of his time. Ghandi encouraged similar reforms in the Hindu faith during the British Colonization period, where he emphasized civil rights and non-violent resolutions in the face of every conflict, no matter how severe.
Hinduism has evolved over the years, being influenced by other religions as well as being the an inspiration for religious and social perspectives over the past few centuries. For example, the classic Aryan-Vedic focus of self-conquest inspired philosophers such as Arthur Schopenhauer whose work was instrumental for Friedrich Nietzsche. And in the 20th century, a group of Western occultists adopted the Sanskrit sign for continuing life, the swastika, as a sign of good luck. It also was associated with those who supported Aryan and the German Faith Movement. When National Socialists of Germany (the Nazi Party) came to power, they chose the swastika as their trademark emblem.
The New Age movement in the 20th century also traces its roots back to Hinduism, and pantheism and the world view of the connectivity of all beings, and an impending enlightenment in human consciousness. Elements of the New Age movement have been linked to Contemporary Paganism, which also has roots in Hindu ideology.
Hindu Beliefs
In the religion of Hinduism, there are many facets of beliefs which vary from group to group. However most Hindus seem to agree upon the basic points described below.
Hindus agree that truth, the only Reality, exists eternally in a limitless and indescribable form known as Brahman. They believe the world functions in cycles of creation, preservation, and destruction, and lives in a continual reincarnation. The Vedas, an ancient collection of texts, are the sacred and enduring writings which were revealed to the wisest of authors. The Hindus believe in seeking dharma, the moral code and order of how one ought to live life, and karma the cause and consequence of all actions. Individuals can be guided by a spiritual master known as a guru, who can help a person grow and obtain purity, good conduct, and self-awareness. This involves respecting life, and seeking to live in good conduct without hurting other living beings. They believe that souls are immortal and can receive Moksha (release) after the cycles of death and reincarnation, once the soul understands its actual nature and communes with Brahman. Hindus also are tolerant of other religions, accepting that each belief system is a journey into understanding God's love.
Hindus believe that everyone was born in set Varnas, or societal classifications. These are the Brahmins (the priests, lecturers, and instructers), the Kshatriyas (rulers, governors, soldiers), the Vaishyas (farmers, merchants, artists, scientists, and herders), and the Shudras (the servicemen and laborers). Though the caste system is not as rigidly adhered to in this modern era, understanding Varnas is an important aspect to Hinduism.
There are specific branches of the Hinduism religion itself; the main divisions are Shaivism (revering Shiva as the Supreme God who encompasses all godly qualities in one), Vaishnavism (emphasizing the supremacy of Vishnu as the main God, along with his avatars and incarnations), Shaktism (worships Shakti or Devi the Divine Mother as the supreme goddess over all).
Though each branch of Hinduism is distinct, most devout followers share the same beliefs listed below:
Supreme God: Hindus believe that the ultimate Reality and Truth exists in the universe, and is known as Brahman. The Supreme God is a trinity of 3 linked gods, Vishnu, Shiva and Brahma. However in different forms of Hinduism, the supreme God might be Vishnu, Krishna or Shiva depending on if the person is a Vaishnavite or a Shaiva Hindu.
Karma: This is the belief that actions have consequences. Whatever choice someone made in this or in past lives, will determine their fate. It is an adaptation of the concepts "what goes around, comes around" and "you reap what you sow". Because of this, Hindu individuals are very concerned with making good moral decisions and gaining in understanding and depth to reach high level of virtuous living and dharma.
Samsara: This concept is based on the continuous cycle of birth, life, death, and reincarnation. The cycle had no beginning, but is possible for souls to come to the end if the person receives moksha, or liberation. Based on karma, and the good or evil actions, decisions and thoughts of someone in their past life can result in what form they take in the next life. Actions severely impact the status of what form the soul will take when it returns in the following reincarnation.
Atman: This is the Hindu term for the self, or the human soul. Each individual is seeking to achieve better understanding of the atman by eventually realizing that the true self, then the atman is connected to Brahman.
Objective of the human life: The Hindus believe in 4 stages of life: The Student (a growing child), the Householder (developing the provision for family life), the Hermit (eastern-concept of retirement, spiritual cleansing when one is no longer obligated to work to support the home), and Sannyasin (when the person removes all ties to earth.) During their lifetime, there are 4 goals which humans are to strive for in the process of Samsara.
  • Dharma - Dharma is the method of pursuing a life of righteousness and moral behavior. It occurs when one lives in accordance with lawful conduct, and moral order within the universe based on the teachings of the Vedas. It is largely mentioned in the writings of Vedas and expounded upon in the Upanishads, as well as other Hindu scriptures. Dharma is based on compassion, and the harmony of law, order, and truth; it is necessary for the world to function. If a person lives by good dharma, they will have good karma in the life to come and possible moksha or enlightenment. The goal of living a life with dharma is to eventually to have the soul unite with Brahman, the ultimate truth.
  • Artha - The artha is the focus that motivates humans to seek prosperity, success and stability. It is reflected in financial success and worldly wealth and provision, which establishes order in society. Wealth is never to be the entire pursuit of life, but merely an aspect creating balance.
  • Kama - The word in Sanskrit means "enjoyment" where the individual is permitted to pursue pleasure for the mind, spirit and body. This deals with wishes, dreams, desires and longing of the senses. Individuals are naturally drawn to feelings of contentment, pleasantness and physical, emotional and physical stimuli. The inclusion of kama in the 4 goals that a human can experience, affirms that a humans desire for love and pleasure is permissible and natural. While an important aspect of life, this element of the Hindu faith is meant to live in harmonious coexistence with the other four goals.
  • Moksha -This is goal of every Hindu's life, to be set free from the cycle of rebirth, life, death and reincarnation, and finally commune with Brahman. This is achieved when a person has gone through the process of Samsara (reincarnation) to receive an enlightened state of mind, understanding the true-self. When this occurs, the soul is received into Brahman, and communes thereafter with the ultimate united spirit of reality and truth.
Vedas: Hindus are able to come to a deeper knowledge of the 4 objectives Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha through two ways: through the instruction of a master or guru, and through the Vedas.
The Vedas are a collection of ancient texts from the Vedic period that provide the literary basis for the religion of Hinduism. Hindus bring fundamental understanding of how the universe functions, and how all living things coexist in it. The Vedas are identified in two categories the Scruti/Shruti (meaning "revealed") and the Smriti (meaning "remembered"). The Four Vedas are the primary "canon" of literature recognized by Hindus as the the foundational writings of the faith consisting of: Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, Atharvaveda.
Beyond the Vedas, there are also other post-Vedic tests, such as the Upanishads (which inspired the Vedanta and Samkhya philosophies, and is also where the concept of Karma came from) and the Sutra writings are a part of what is known as the Shruti texts.

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