Hinduism-Origin - History of Religions

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Thursday, December 17, 2015



Hinduism is the oldest religion of all world religions. For hundreds of years, it has been searched for some evidence about its founder, but no one could point a finger at a specific founder or its date of origin. Even the authors of its sacred texts are largely unknown. The system exists from time immemorial and there is no exact beginning of this religion. It has no particular fonder but has many Rishis, Saints, Gurus, and leaders who reformed and revived the existing culture and traditions. It has developed out of Brahmanism. 

Hinduism cannot be described as an organized religion. It is not founded by any individual. Hinduism is God centred and therefore one can call Hinduism as founded by God, because the answer to the question ‘Who is behind the eternal principles and who makes them work?’ will have to be ‘Cosmic power, Divine power, God’ 

Dates for your Concern 
RIGVED: 6000 BC: Rigvedic mantras were composed. 
KALIYUG: -3102: Kaliyuga begins. Kali era, Hindu calendar also known as Yugabd starts. 
SINDH (HINDU): -3000: Hindu religion weaving in Sindh near East and Indus- (Sarasvati) Valley. 
DHRITRASTRA: -1472: Reign of Dhritarashtra, father of the Kauravas. Reign of Yudhisthira, king of the Pandavas. 
MAHABHARAT: -1316: Mahabharata epic poem is composed by Sage Vyasa. 
SMRITI: -500: Over the next 300 years numerous secondary Hindu scriptures (smriti) were composed: Shrauta Sutras, Grihya Sutras, Dharma Sutras, Mahabharata, Ramayana and Puranas, etc. 
HINDU YEAR: -58: Vikrama Samvat Era Hindu calendar begins. 
MANU: 400: Laws of Manu (Manu Dharma Shastras) written. Its 2,685 verses codify cosmogony, four ashramas, government, domestic affairs, caste and morality (others date at -600). 
SHANKARACHARYA: 788: Adi Shankara (788-820) is born in Malabar, famous monk philosopher of Smarta tradition regularizes ten monastic orders called Dashanami. Preaches Mayavada Advaita, emphasizing the world as illusion and God as the sole Reality. 

Vedas are above 5000 years old. About 3600 years before came Lord Krishna and much before the coming of Lord Krishna existed the Vedas. Vedas form the first work of Hinduism that dealt more with rituals than the path of jnana yoga (absolute wisdom). During the times of Vedas Hinduism was still in its infancy... people often worshipped and prayed to God out of fear. 

For hundreds of years, many people have searched for some evidence of the founder of Hinduism. The religion, which is open to interpretation, is a collection of paths to wisdom that is based on human reasoning rather than a divine authority and a finger cannot be pointed at a specific founder. 

The earliest indications of the term Hindu come from the Punjab and the Indus Valley in India. The culture that was established in the third millennium BC is evidenced in the excavations of two cities. If you lived in that region, no matter what religion you believed, you became known as a Hindu. 

Thus, this religion was subject to new philosophies that changed with time. Hinduism consists of a wide range of beliefs that are not related to the other at all. There is no known founder of Hinduism, no creed, no single source of authority. All related Hindu philosophies share just a resemblance to each other. There is no defined beginning as with other religions. 

With over 750 million believers, the majority of Hindus live in India. Much smaller numbers are reported in most countries worldwide. 

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