
Monday, December 28, 2015



Jainism is interested in the well-being of the universe and mankind. According to Jainism humans, animals, and plants have souls that are equal and should be respected. Because of this, Jains are vegetarians and use natural resources as efficiently and cautiously as possible. They also support reincarnation. The aim of Jains is to attain liberation by erasing all bad karma from the soul in order to halt the repetitive cycle of birth and death and move the immortal soul into a state of eternal bliss. The three jewels or important beliefs of Jainism are: right belief, right conduct, and right knowledge. The five vows or mahavratas are: avoiding violence, detaching from possessions, speaking the truth, not stealing, and practicing sexual restraint. The modern-day version of Jainism is the work of Mahavira, whose teachings are collected in texts called the Agamas. The religious officials of Jainism are nuns and monks who lead disciplined lives.


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