
Monday, December 28, 2015


Judaism Beliefs
The Jewish people believe they are God's chosen ones. Judaism is a monotheistic religion, meaning they believe in only one God. 

The Torah is the central religious teaching of Judaism. The Torah consists of fives books from the Hebrew Bible. The Torah provides instruction and law for the Jewish people.

God Created the Universe
God created the Universe. He created man in his image, beginning with Adam, and the first woman, Eve.

It was once a practice for Jews, instructed in the Torah, to offer sacrifices for their sins. This can be done with any kind of unblemished animal, typically a sheep, or a dove for those less wealthy. This practice was believed to have stopped in 70 AD, when the temple was destroyed by the Romans.

Promised Land
The Jews promised land is the Land of Israel. Promised to them from God. This land has created many conflicts throughout history and even in modern times. Christian prophecy, predicted the Jewish people would return as a nation. This recently happened in 1948.

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